A new French law has made all citizens automatic organ donors unless they opt out by joining an official refusal register. From January 1st all French citizens upon death will automatically surrender their organs to the state, unless they had pre-registered their dissent on a national database. From The Daily Sheeple: By Brianna Acuesta Editor’s Note: So people can opt out of this, but how many people will even realize this happened then look into the bureaucracy required to opt out and actually take the time to do it? Things like this bring us all one step closer to Soylent Green, just saying. Effective January 1 in the new year, all French citizens are now automatically organ donors even if their family doesn’t approve of the donation. Before the law went into effect, the law required people who wanted to be donors to opt into a program where they were registered. If they were not registered, the family members would make the decision, in which nearly one-third of cases resulted in a refusal to donate. Now the law works in the opposite way, as all citizens are not automatically considered donors unless they go out of their way to register [...]
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